
JUNTOS provides a hub of services to support the creation and growth of healing relationships in families, schools, and the larger Lennox community. JUNTOS understands that trauma impacts every aspect of a student’s life. In addition to providing direct services to students who experience trauma, JUNTOS provides supportive services for their families, schools, and thus the larger community. This school-based wellness model enables JUNTOS to impact the students, their families, and their educators creating a circle of wellness around Lennox children that provides them with a long-lasting and interconnected web of services and support.

JUNTOS provides:

  1. Student Wellness

  2. Family Services

  3. School Staff Services

Each of the components work together to create a holistic program that addresses the trauma and stressors disadvantaged students face living in a community characterized by low-income, high crime and limited resources. JUNTOS’ trauma informed care approach incorporates key domains of a trauma responsive school district:

  • Targeted interventions for trauma

  • Early interventions for trauma

  • Classroom-based strategies

  • Whole school trauma programming

  • Whole school prevention programming

  • Whole school safety planning

  • Community and family supports